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Rise and Shine
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AlarmClock When is the most critical time of day? There are many ways to answer this question, but I'm going to suggest the first five minutes after you wake up are swollen with the most potential to impact your day.

Do you wake up cranky?

Then the five minutes after you open your eyes are all the more important for you to pay attention to.


Because this is an ideal time to ask God questions, to launch your day with a thankful spirit. A simple, "God, who do you want me to love today?" or "God, thanks for one more day here on earth" carries with it the power to influence the rest of your day. This time is also ideal for reflection and for sifting through a mental list of all the ways God has blessed you.

For years I used to dart from my bed to attend to a crying baby. I can't tell you how thankful I am to have the first five minutes of my day back. To focus my thoughts. To renew my mind (see Romans 12:2). To bask in the reminder that God's in control, and He wants to bless me throughout the day.

I'm convinced self-pity and worry serve as enemies of a grateful spirit.

Worry creates distractions, throwing us off from remembering all the times God has taken care of us. Self-pity elevates our weaknesses and reminds us how unfair the world is. While it's true that the world is unfair, here's the hope - God wants to use our weaknesses.  He already knows exactly how unfair the world is. He's offering us a new vision. A new hope.

If our day is a boat, our first five minutes is the rudder.

Waking up with a spirit ready to connect with God and zoned in on thankfulness is like setting our day on course. Functioning with this spirit is a demonstration of faith and obedience.

So try it. Prove me wrong. Spend some time for the next week waking up thankful. See if it doesn't impact your day.

And after you witness the reward of starting your day this way, consider ending it the same way, too.
Wendy Miller’s work has been published in inspirational books, online magazines and on numerous websites. She is passionate about encouraging women through writing and speaking, and currently Wendy leads a small group of seniors from her church. Raising her three little girls, writing novels, creating craft projects, and hiking are other ways she enjoys spending her time. Feel free to visit her blog to peek inside the window of her thoughts as she actively pursues what it means to follow the Lord. Wendy's Website

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Jeanette Levellie

November 03, 2010 11:46 AM

Oh, Wendy. I needed this reminder today--thank you so much!

Your words dance and sing on the page; your sagacity belies your age!

Love you,


April 04, 2019 1:26 PM
thanks for this such a nice blog