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Why Modesty?
May 06

We often get caught up in the do's and don'ts of modest dressing and totally skip the 'why'.  What's the big deal anyway? Why does the length of your shorts or the width of your tanktop straps really matter? There are many reasons, but I'd like to tell you about three.

  1. First, we choose modesty because it sets us apart. Romans 12:2 says, "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world..." What is the pattern of this world?  It is to show as much as you can as often as you can. We take a stand for our faith when we choose to cover up. We are a witness to others in the way we dress.  Possibly even more effective than the cross around your neck or the fish on your car is a tank under a spaghetti strap top that says you will not conform to the world's model - you are set apart!
  2. The second reason we choose modesty is to prevent putting a stumbling block in our brother's, and for that matter, our sister's way. Romans 14:13 tells us, "...make up your mind not to put a stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way." It may not come as any shock to you that most guys' biggest struggle is keeping their thoughts pure. We don't do them any favors by parading body parts in front of them that are meant to be covered. Instead, we are often the cause of their stumbling into sin. Don't get me wrong - obviously guys have a choice to stare or look away.  However, a Christian guy should be able to go to church and worship his God without having to keep his eyes closed during the service. Ladies, we don't dress modestly just to help out our Christian brothers; we also do it to help our sisters in Christ. You see, modest dressing doesn't just mean that we don't show off too much skin. It also means that we dress in such a way that we don't draw attention away from the God we serve.
  3. Let me explain with the third reason we choose to dress modestly, which is that it keeps the focus on Jesus. 1 Timothy 2:9-10 talks about modesty when it says, "women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, but with what is proper for women who profess godliness-with good works." Knowing the context of this verse will help us draw out the meaning. You see, Paul was talking specifically about women in the church. Barely-there clothing would obviously be a huge distraction to a guy sitting in church trying to listen to the message, but immodest dressing can also be a major distraction to our sisters.  Have you ever been sitting in church, listening attentively, until a girl comes walking in late with her super cute and obviously pricey bag, perfectly trendy and seemingly straight off the runway outfit with her hair just so, and you find yourself very distracted?  You were sitting there listening to the message, learning from God's Word and now, instead of thoughts about the Lord, you are struggling with feelings of envy and insecurity.  The gal that walked in late wasn't dressed immodestly because she was showing too much skin, but because she was dressed in such a way to draw all the attention to herself.  Unfortunately, when she drew attention to herself, she drew it away from the Lord. 1 Timothy isn't telling us that fixed-up hair, nice jewelry and cute clothes are bad in themselves; it's explaining that they become bad when they become a distraction from our God.

So what's the big deal? Why choose modesty?  It sets us apart, prevents us from being a stumbling block, and keeps the focus on Jesus.  My hope is that we would learn to dress in such a way that God gets ALL the attention.

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July 01, 2010 6:09 PM

When I attended SAGE this year the booklet/magazine that you hand out had an article/advertisement for a company that provides cute, but modest bathing suits. Can you tell me what the website is? Thank you!

SAGE Girls Ministry

July 01, 2010 9:37 PM

Hey Danielle,

So glad we got to hang out with you at the Undivided Conference this year. The website you're looking for is:

They've got stuff that is cute and modest. You'll love it!


July 03, 2010 11:34 AM

Thank you so much! I'm passing it around to all of my bible study girls. I really appreciate it :)


May 20, 2020 2:32 AM

The purpose of Sage is to reach and teach girls according to their religion and teach them what to wear and the website is best for them. I have read many tips and advice about this by visiting links provided by assignmentgeek review that will help teaching staff to get the stuff what they want. I advise them to visit these services for assistance in their every task.


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